Pro Street Rules
Please also read the ORP General Rules which apply to all races conducted at Ozark. For Non-ORP races, the sanctioning body rules of the track the event is being held at apply.
Engine & Drivetrain:
Any power adder acceptable
Any exhaust style acceptable
Any motor combination acceptable
Engine diaper/belly pan required
Weight Requirements:
2850 base weight for all Procharged, Twin Turbo or Screw blown Hemi's.
No minimum weight for other engine combinations.
Body & Suspension:
Must be +4- inches from OEM wheelbase and body dimensions. Any material allowed.
Maximum front end overhang of 45” as measured from centerline of front spindle.
An approved extension may be used to reach 45” if the front end overhang of the body is less than 45”.
Functional doors required which are able to be opened from both the inside and outside of the vehicle.
Wheelie bars allowed.
Any tire size allowed -150 for 33 x 10.5W or smaller, +150 for anything larger than 34.5 or any radial larger than 295.